
Gosh, I've been so prolific in my diary-ing these days! It's all the temp work--nothing to do but surf, surf, surf, all the livelong day. At least I'm getting paid for it...

I just got a call from some guy who works here, who was on his way to the airport. He was looking for me, because I'd signed for a package for him. It contained some kind of tickets or passport or something, and he's been looking for it. He said something like, "Well, I wish you had *told* me it had arrived," in this testy voice. I apologized profusely and told him I was told I didn't *have* to call anyone when packages came in (the truth!). He was nicer after that, but still I felt sad. I HATE screwing up. I know I don't have to feel badly about this, but... I do. I felt dumb. But, I do feel better after writing about it. Good for me for getting it off my chest.

I swear my head is going to explode if that stupid phone rings one more time. Go on, phone. I dare you. C'mon, try me.

I can't wait for this job to be over!

square - hip