
I have been feeling really disjointed here lately. It's been so bad, I have barely had time to open my mail. We bought all this good food at the grocery store last week with plans to cook fabulous meals, and some of it's gone bad already. It's not any one thing that's causing me to feel unfocused--it's, like, a million things. The largest obstacle between me and accomplishment has been the heat. It's been so hot lately that (until today) I couldn't even think about doing something before I was feeling all sweaty and worn out. I've also been doing a lot of favors for people--helping two friends with garage sales and moving...doing a little babysitting...add to that the visit from S. last weekend, and the fact that our washing machine broke, thereby forcing us to go to the lovely un-air-conditioned laundromat down the block. The job interview has obviously turned out to be a bust, which took a little wind out of my sails...and I'm still jobless, but I have barely noticed since I've been so damned busy! I go to bed tired every night as if I worked!

I guess I'd rather be busy than bored, but this is kind of ridiculous. My bestest friend G.L. is visiting in less than a week, and I have to get this place in shape. I had a grand plan to re-paint the bathroom, but I don't think it's in the cards now. The weather has cooled down now, so I should be able to get more done while the temps are tolerable. I did trim the bushes in the front today. I tried to tame the jungle the backyard has become, but it's hard to make real progress when all you have in the way of equipment is a hedge clipper and the grass is three feet long.

N. is working on a project with C. in the other room. N. still works at the record label where I was formerly employed. For some reason, I feel a little jealous that he's still there and I'm not. It's kind of like that feeling you get when you see that your ex is dating someone new, even though you know you would never go back with that person in a million years. Y'know?

square - hip