
Hi! Long time no see!

I've been doing and not doing, having a lovely weekend. B. is visiting, staying in our guest room. It's nice to have visitors. We complained all last year that we had this perfectly nice guest room and no guests, and this year it's been the Hotel Squarepants. I like it. The only thing I would change if I could is the fact that our computer is in the guest room. I feel weird hanging out in what is basically B.'s private space when I want to use the computer. Oh well. Small price to pay. B. is in rare form these days. It's obvious that he's feeling a lot better about life in general, and the potential for a lovely Winter in San Francisco. Good for him.

B.'s band played an un-freaking-believable show the other night, by the way. He is the most talented musician I know. I hope he knows that...sometimes I am pretty sure he doesn't see it.

There's lots more to tell, but I think it will have to wait. For the next week or so, I will probably not be updating as much because of the lack of access to the computer, but I promise I'll be back in full force soon.

In the meantime, do yourself a huge, huge, huge favor and go look at this comic I found. Give yourself a good few minutes to read it. It's really worth it.

Click on the picture!!

square - hip