
Oh, man. We've seen no fewer than eight houses in four days. I'm feeling pretty threadbare. If I'm able to avoid this cold that keeps threatening, I will be oh-so-amazed.

Looking at houses is just a really weird thing. You tramp around someone's home, looking with a cold, impartial eye at the "charming" dining room and the tile floor that "needs a little love." Looking at someone's carefully chosen and lovingly applied wallpaper and thinking, "Well, that'll have to go," makes me feel a bit funny. So far, we haven't seen anything we can't live without, but there are tons of places out there. At the rate we're going, we'll see all of them by...oh, Thanksgiving?

I'm so glad that we went out last night to G.'s Halloween party. I was very close to a total meltdown and needed to have some fun. I dug around in my closet and found most of the makings of a Joey Ramone costume, and C. went as a cat burgular. I wouldn't say we got rowdy, but we drank enough to get a bit stupid, and had a nice time all around.

Remember that Sonicnet thingy I was talking about the other day? Well, it's gone. Sonicnet is no longer doing the radio thing. I must've gotten in on the tail-end. I'm sad to see it go, because it was such a cool thing. But you know, it was the kind of thing that is just too good to last. A shame, that.

I'm gonna go curl up with a good book now. It's that kind of day.

square - hip