
Looked at another house today. Again, I got my hopes up, thinking that surely this one was really going to be THE ONE.

But oh how far was I from the truth!

Friends, this place was white trash* on par with Independence, Missouri. For the uninitiated, Independence is a town that butts up to KC to the east. It's also known as Dogsnatch and/or the crystal meth lab capital of the United States! Yeah!

So...really not good.

Right down to the dozen or so buzz-cut sons of the owner huddled around the Nintendo.

And the posted list of stuff to clean up with the first on the list being, "Shit in yard."

And the Rottweiler named Viper.

And the "uncanny" lack of light bulbs available, so that some parts of the house could only be seen with a flashlight.

And the realtor, who was obviously a friend of the family, had a tasteful sprinkling of glitter on her plentiful cleavage.

Sooo, yeah...Not quite the place for us.

*By the way, I spent part of my young life in a trailer, so when I say "white trash," I speak with authority.

square - hip