
Remember that Indian food I was all excited about? Well, let's just say it wasn't pretty the day after.

Four trips to the bathroom, people. Four.

I haven't worked yet this week, which is bothering me quite a bit. Sure, I have lots of stuff to do here at the house, but what I really need is to be working. I know that this is a real sign that I need a new job, but with the job market in such poor shape right now, I don't know how much chance I have. Sometimes I wonder if my biggest problem is that I never finished college or if I just don't sell myself well enough.

If I say I never finished college, does that make me seem dumb? Truthfully, I think I'm pretty smart anyway, but sometimes it bothers me that when I think about my future in the work world, there's that little voice (it's my Mom's) that says, "You'll never get anywhere without a college degree!"

But then, there's also the fact that I'm not by any means drawn to the typical office environment. I hate wearing anything that looks "professional" or even "business casual", and I am not really a team player. Hence, the four-year stint at the record store, the thrift store job, the record label job, the driving-for-an-atlas-company job.

Feh. I'm sure I'll find something. Eventually. Please let it be soon.

In my spare time I'm reading The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean Auel. C. keeps calling it "Clan of the Teddy Bear," and "Clan of the Cave Bitch," that funny guy. Normally I wouldn't be drawn to read books like these (it's a series), but A.M. basically told me I am going to read them. She is loaning them to me two at a time, she says. So I'm slowly making my way through the first book. It's pretty good. I can't tell if the story is slow all the way through or if the establishment of characters and behavior of the clan members is just taking a long time to wade through. All I know is that there is a library within walking distance of the new house, and the call of all of those other books is getting harder and harder to ignore...

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