
One of our friends (R.) called tonight. She and The Rev wanna go bowling, do we want to join them? Hm. Now there's a thought! We haven't been out with our primary group of friends since I found out I'm preggo. The reason being partially that we don't want to tell everyone yet, and we are terrible actors. Can we keep the secret?

We have to, for now. It's all about timing. First tell A.M. and her hubby. Then S. & K. They are the people who will need a little time to absorb the news. They are the ones who might take it kind of hard. So they're first, so it's done. And so they hear it from us before anyone else can leak it.

Man, I feel like a crusty, tired hermit. I haven't done anything resembling night life in weeks, possibly months. Too tired! Too caught up in taking care of myself!

Bowling will be fun... At least she didn't ask us to go to some smoky bar. I don't know what kind of excuse I could come up with then! Luckily, I was never that much of a drinker before. I think I can get away with it.

I can't wait until we can tell everyone. It's just such a big secret to keep.

Better get going or we'll be late!

square - hip