
So today was the day. Temp-agency-here-I-come day. C. woke me up an hour earlier than necessary with his morning shenanigans. Again, for the 20 millionth time, he forgot to just shut the farging bedroom door so I could sleep in peace. So the first things I heard today were cat crying for food, coffee grinder, whistling tea kettle, NPR, shower, thumping and bumping. This made me not a happy lady. I tried my best to not take my grumpiness out on C., but I don't think I was successful. It's no fun busting C. for stuff that he does, because he always looks and acts so damned sorry when I get mad. And then I have to grumble, "That's okay," even if I don't feel like it's okay.

Somehow I found something "office-y" to wear. My clothes are becoming difficult because the belly is growin'. I settled on a black skirt with a button in the back I could leave unbuttoned. Too-tight-around-the-belly tights. Sweater that covered it all successfully.

Walking out the door and down the street, I felt nervous and unsteady and plain inadequate. I knew that my attitude was largely hormonal, but it didn't help to know that.

The train, of course, was late. Some problem at the stop just before mine. Yay.

I got off the train at the exact time I should have been walking in the door of the temp agency. Okay, I thought, I can still make it. I just have to hustle.

Did I ever mention that my sense of direction sucks?

Even though I checked the map before leaving the house, I was suddenly lost once I got there. I walked one block east, and then back to the west. Back east. Nothing looked familiar. In a panic (because now I was really late), I called C. I was almost in tears as I yelled stressfully into my cell phone that I could not find the office and I was really late and I might as well get back on the train and go home because this just isn't working. C., being the calmer one, gently guided me to the right street. It was only two blocks away. Told C. how much I felt like an idiot. He told me that I was very much not an idiot, I just have a poor sense of direction. Told C. how much I love him, and went to the office.

That part went fine. I don't think they even noticed I was late. Figures.

Once it was over, I called C. back. Suggested we go to Heaven On Seven for lunch. And we did. And we had delicious Cajun food and chocolate pecan pie for dessert. And this made me very happy.

(*whew*) Let's just hope that if/when I get an actual temp job, I don't have anymore meltdowns like this... Crossing my fingers.

square - hip