
I have a confession to make.

...mumblemumblemutterI didn't call the temp agency like I was supposed to this weekmuttermuttermumble...

I'm terribly un-proud of myself for this.

You're supposed to call every Monday to tell the agency you're available for that week. And I didn't do it.

Why? Well, for a couple of reasons.

#1 I hate being a slave to the phone, jumping every time it rings, not wanting to leave the house in case the temp agency calls. And then feeling a mixture of relief and disappointment at the end of the day when I don't hear from anyone. It really sucks.

#2 I guess I should be totally honest here. Truth is, I don't want to work. I can't imagine any temp job I would enjoy doing while pregnant. I'm a little too comfortable here at home. If I'm hungry, I go get a snack. If I have to pee (and I have to pee a lot), I just jump up and go to the bathroom. If I'm sleepy, I take a nap right then. If I'm bored, I can do any number of things to keep myself busy. It's very easy to do. And I feel horribly guilty about it.

I know I need to talk to C. about this. But I also know that we are not as financially "set" when I'm not working. Money is a little tighter. And it sucks. Lord, I wish I had just had a stupid job when I got pregnant, but the timing was just a little off. If I'd gotten pregnant just a month or two later, I would have had a job. But then, I would have been going through the emotional roller-coaster of trying to conceive! Augh. What would have made me happier? Honestly, I think that the way things are right now makes me pretty happy, I am just afraid to admit it.

Ugh! I sound like a stupid broken record.

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