
Ah! I'm feeling so much better now. A big thank you to all of those who signed my guestbook with get-well wishes.

The weekend was really great. Saturday was so gorgeous, C. and I spent the whole day in the backyard, working on our garden. We hacked away at renegade grass roots and weeds, loosened the dirt (I was happy to see that it was full of worms--good sign), added extra soil and mushroom compost. C. was really into working with the shovel (or spade, or whateveryoucallit) and he did the hardest parts while I did a lot of supervising and digging with the hand trowel. Once the dirt was just right, we realized we'd need something to make a border. Hunting around in the garage, we found two railroad ties that the previous owners had left. Miraculously, together, the ties were the perfect length for the front of the plot. The back of the plot is up against the neighbors' fence, so we didn't need to worry about that. Then we lined the sides with bricks and it was perfect! We took pictures of each other standing proudly next to our dirt. Lastly, to kill any other tenacious weeds or grass, we decided to cover our plot with a black plastic tarp. It'll stay that way until next Saturday, when we will finally plant our seeds and seedlings! I'm so excited!

Sunday morning started with a big ol' breakfast of chilaquiles (which I jokingly call "breakfast nachos") with Mexican rice. It's a labor-intensive breakfast that takes both of us workin' on it, but sooo worth it. The next breakfast frontier I intend to conquer is... Waffles! I have got to get a waffle iron. I've been craving homemade waffles for weeks.

The rest of Sunday was spent puttering around the house. Nothing in particular, just messin' about. Watched "The Sopranos" and "Six Feet Under" in the evening as usual.

That about sums it up, and how was your weekend?

In other news, I am noticing a sharp increase in my clumsiness. I've been dropping things, tripping over things, misjudging door frames so I hit my shoulder on my way through, you name it, I've done it lately. The other night, I actually managed to drop my entire dinner plate on the floor while trying to rescue the knife and then fork that fell just before that. Is this something related to pregnancy, or what? I'm usually pretty graceful, so this new accident prone phase comes as a shock. I guess as long as I don't hurt myself too badly, it's not the worst thing that could happen. It can kinda suck having to scrape one's dinner off the floor. I have to admit, though, when that happened, all I could do was laugh and laugh...

So, yeah.

square - hip