
There's something about waking up really early when you don't have to. When your body just says, "Well, that's all the sleep I need for today, so why not get up and get an early start?" I really like when it happens. Special and rare. It wouldn't be special if it happened all the time...

But I love it. Waking up with the sun, listening to the sleepy morning happening around me. There's a certain kind of quiet that makes you believe for a moment that the day is yours. Until you realize that the day will be taken up with the silly little things that eat up any other day.

And to think I used to be a hardcore night-owl. My old self would be shocked and horrified to hear me talk now.


C. tells me that the new Weezer video has the band performing on the old "Muppet Show" set. I have never liked those guys, but now they've really done it. Damn them, I'm so jealous. Maybe if I didn't think their music sucked so much it wouldn't bother me. But I do. And it does.


The new season of "Beat the Geeks" is on now. I used to love it, but they changed a lot in the new season--new format, new set, new Geek-robes, and, worst of all, new host. The new host (I think his name is Blaine) is just trying too hard to be funny and quirky, instead of letting the Geeks shine. He's trying to out-geek them! It's a darn shame. I liked the old host, J. Keith VanStraaten. He was funny and low-key. You could tell he really is a geek. He had nothing to prove! Sad thing is, I am still watching it. I just love those Geeks. But I have a feeling that my interest will wane as time goes on.


I have found my love of music again. For a long while there, I was just so tired and burned out with every album I owned and would happily turn on NPR to listen to the placid voices talking, talking, talking. But recently, C. did this great thing where he took a ton of our music, made it into MP3's, and then told the player to scramble them all up. It's like my very own radio station! I never know what's going to come on next, but I know I'm going to love it because it's mine! Who knew that that's all it would take?

Okay. Time to take a shower. The day's a-wastin'.

square - hip