
Last night, even though I really needed the sleep, I was driven to sit in front of the computer and compose a letter to C. I needed to put into words how amazing I think he is, the words were just clamoring to get out. I told him that, at this time when we're about to become parents and have our lives turned upside-down, I wanted to tell him how much I appreciate him. That his strength has been invaluable to me during this pregnancy. That he has been amazingly loving, supportive, reassuring to me. That he has made me feel strong and capable and beautiful and even sexy during this time when I've been saturated in feelings of uncertainty, unattractiveness, and insecurity. And that I know he'll be a great dad because of the way he is.

And, of course, I told him how much I love him.

I tucked this letter into his bag, knowing that he wouldn't look in there 'til he got to work this morning.

I think that it was better than flowers, that letter.

square - hip