
Here I am, almost 2AM, sitting in front of the computer, sleeping-but-soon-to-awaken Mr.Baby by my side. Ah, the life of the sleep-deprived new parent...

Hey--a big, huge, thank-you and hugs all around to those who posted such sweet messages in my guestbook regarding The Peanut. They sure warmed my heart. Thank you. Thank you.

Okay! So. I can't believe it's been two weeks already! But then again, I can't believe it's only been two weeks since this kid was removed from my uterus and placed in my arms. It's been quite a time, learning the ropes of parenting a newborn, healing from a C section, trying to breastfeed (ugh, now there's a long story), trying to sleep... All I have to say is, thank god C. has had the last two weeks off. There is no way I would have been able to do this alone. I am still pretty nervous and a bit fearful of what it will be like when it's just me and the kid and C. is off at work all day. I worry about C. getting enough sleep so he can function at work, and I worry about my capacity to take care of the kid all day and then stay up with him most of the night. Lucky for me, my mom is visiting and helping us this week. One more week before I have to face alone-time with baby. I am figuring it will be pretty rough initially.

All in all, the past two weeks have been wonderful and scary and exhausting. At first, when I looked at E., I would think, "Are we sure this is my baby?" I felt kind of detached. And that made me feel guilty, because all you ever hear about new moms is how they fall in love with their babies immediately. I kept thinking, "Well, he's really cute, but I don't know if I'm in love." Now, though, I'm starting to feel it. I'm so proud of my beautiful son! He's wonderful! I think that having my mom around has really helped me realize how much I love my baby and how amazing motherhood is. Looking at my mom, I can place the birth of E. in a new context--a new generation. That's pretty amazing.

I'd love to write more, but the little mister is waking up.

square - hip