
Yes, it is the exciting moment that you see on commercials on TV, where the parents are just goggle-eyed with happiness and excitement as their child takes his/her first steps. It really is that exciting. Cheesy when you think about it that way, but completely true.

That's right--E. took his first steps yesterday. After grinning and clapping and laughing excitedly, I welcomed him to the human race. He walks upright now! Super-cool.

Right now, I am watching "I Am Trying To Break Your Heart" (Oh how I love Wilco) and trying not to drool over Glen Kotche.

What I really need to be doing is preparing for our trip to The Great Northwest. Yup! A week in Seattle and Portland. I'm excited and petrified. Traveling with the baby for more than a day or two. What will become of our routines? Dunno. We'll see what happens.

Bon voyage to the Squarepants family!

square - hip