
Two entries in two days? Wow! How can it be?

I just wanted to jot down a quick open letter to all those Chicago parents I run into at the indoor playground (and the outdoor playground too, sometimes)...

Dear moms and dads,

Would it kill you to smile once in awhile? Does it physically hurt you to say hi or exchange pleasantries when our kids cross paths? Do I smell bad? Does my kid smell bad? Do I look like some kind of weirdo? Seriously, is there something wrong with me or my kid? Because when I happen to exchange a glance with you, I smile. I sometimes even manage to greet you before my whirling dervish child runs off to another distraction. And what do you do? You meet my smile with a blank look and/or maybe even a scowl. It's a mystery to me how you all can be so unhappy. Believe me, I KNOW parenting is hard work, but come on! Your kids are having fun, why aren't you?

When E. was little I remember hearing some mama on the radio talking about how mothers everywhere should send out love and respect to each other, because we have a special bond of understanding, and because, well, we deserve it. I love that idea. Sure, I know that I won't agree with every single mom I meet (probably not even 50%), but I try not to judge. It's not my place. Forgive me for sounding like a Pollyanna, but I just want to send out the respect and love, y'know? And it seems like I frequently get the stone wall in return.

Please, you parents out there, please at least try to smile once in awhile to your fellow parents in the trenches. If nothing else, think of it as providing a good example to your kids.


Yours truly,


square - hip