
My root canal of a month ago seems to have not been successful, so yay, I'm having another root canal on the same tooth. This time, they're going to take off the crown, and there's much doubt that the crown will survive. That means we will probably be paying for a new crown. The thing I'm hanging onto for comfort is the fact that my endodontist is not going to make me pay for the second root canal. Whee. I'm going in for that next Friday.

About two weeks ago, I started to get this sore spot on my right foot. I wore my Chaco sandals around the house, since they were the most comfortable footwear I own. Two days ago, the pain got so bad that I was hobbling. The only thing that helps is 800mg Ibuprophen. I'm going to the doctor to check it out this Tuesday. Fun.

Then there's the thyroid stuff. I have to start making appointments, like, now. I need to resolve this stuff by the end of March. Yes, it's a self-imposed deadline, but why drag it out? I need to find the doc of my dreams and decide whether I'm having surgery or not in less than two months. And maybe have surgery. Is that crazy?

I just want to get to some vaguely "normal" spot so I can feel like conceiving (crap, I'm too tired to figure out if that's spelled right) baby #2. C. and I talked about the worse-case scenario with my foot--crutches for an extended period of time--and of course, wouldn't it be insane to even consider pregnancy while on crutches, caring for a 2-year-old? Why, yes. Good lord.

C. is going in on Monday to talk again to his ENT about his snoring. The sleep study showed that he does not have apnea (that's good), but basically this means that we are back at square one. I have a feeling that none of the options for C. are covered by insurance.

At least E. is healthy. I am terribly thankful for that.

Oh, and Walter has a sister now, named Greta. She's a toddler already! No more Sim kids for my couple, though. I am finding it a challege to keep track of four people! I made my Sim guy cry the other day 'cos I couldn't get Walter into a private school. A therapist dropped from the sky to help. Boy, wouldn't that be nice in real life?

square - hip