
Wow, it's been quite some time since I had time to write! Everything's been much better lately--I've started some projects and stuff. We've been celebrating my birthday all weekend, and I've been having a great time.

Valentines Day was nice. We ate at home, just cooked dinner and made dessert. Not fancy, but good. Who wants to go out to some overcrowded restaurant full of yuppies anyway?

**Once, a long time ago, this guy I was dating really wanted to go to Red Lobster for Valentines Day, so we did. And I am still not sure to this day if he wanted to go there because it was campy, of if he really thought it was high-class. Heh.**

Last night was my birthday dinner. It was about as perfect as it could have been. A whole slew of us went to Ethiopian Diamond for dinner, and then to this weird bar afterward. The food was fantastic, of course. James Iha of Smashing Pumpkins came in while we were there, and while I really don't like that band, I can't say I didn't get a little thrill, just because he's famous. I got some funny gifts and some really cool gifts. A.M. gave me a piece of her handmade jewelry, G & W gave me a cool wooden cat statue. A & L gave me a Drinky Crow shot glass, and Gr. gave me some tulips. I can't begin to describe how perfectly content and thankful I felt just to have all of these people around me who cared enough to come celebrate with me.

The best, best, best thing of all was C.'s gift. He had been building the surprise of it for months, and the suspense really was killing me. When we drove to get it and we pulled up at Verve, I knew--The Heywood Wakefield dresser I'd been wanting. It is just like C. to not fully realize a plan...When he took me to see the dresser, he never imagined how the hell we'd get it home! I had to laugh. He's so funny. He felt really bad, but I thought it was kind of cute. The guy who runs the store was nice enough to deliver it to us later that day. It still cracks me up.

That dresser is so gorgeous. Whenever I pass our bedroom, I have to slow down and look at it. I don't think I've ever had a real piece of *nice* furniture like that in my life. I'm almost embarassed to be so excited about stuff like that...the kid I used to be would be so disappointed in the "adult" me. Oh well, what can I do?

When I was on the train the other day, we had a short delay in one of the tunnels. I looked out the window and realized that there was graffiti on the walls of the tunnel. Normally you're going to fast too even see it, but there it was. The most easily read thing on my section of wall was the simple request, "EAT ME." I was thinking, someone probably risked their life just so they could write "Eat Me" on this wall. I still can't decide if that's stupid or cool...

Lately, whenever I talk to my Mom, she has this single-minded fixation on discussing the fact that I have not yet changed my "maiden" name to my "married" name. The simple reason is that I am not motivated. I have nothing against C.'s last name--in fact I like it--It's just that I haven't done it yet. I don't feel like it's too terribly urgent, so why does my Mom? What is her problem? I have asked her why, but she never gives me a real answer. Strange. But then again, Mom has been just acting kind of confrontational about a lot of stuff. It's hard to have a conversation with her when she's spouting off about how Democrats are evil, George W. is going to save the country, and that men should be the breadwinners and women should stay home and raise the children. AUGGHH!!! I honestly don't know when this transformation from liberal to almost-bible-thumping conservative came about. I remember I almost fell on the floor when she admitted to being a creationist...how can I be this woman's offspring??

At least she remembered my birthday. I am quite sure my Dad has totally forgotten. But no sense in moping about that...

Yeah, everything's pretty good now. All in all, I'm quite happy. Nice.

square - hip