
As I write this, Ozma (my cat) is persistently sitting on my lap, licking my arm with her super-rough tongue. Can't she tell I'm busy? Can't she tell that her tongue is taking the frickin' skin right off my arm?

Today is my first day off on my new work schedule. My new schedule: 4 days (M-Th), 10 hours per day, with Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays off. Sweeet. Today is the loveliest day I could hope for--sun, warm, and gloriously people-free because everyone else is at work! I can go shopping downtown! To Target! The sewing store! The grocery store!--places that are ridiculously crowded on weekends are deserted on weekdays! I love it.

Last night I had to bust some heads on the third floor. Some genius thought it would be okay to play his or her drum kit at 11 o'clock at night. Loud. I had to go up there and ask them to stop. I was nice, but firm. I mean, how old are these people?? They're not kids anymore, right?

Y'know, I hate to say it, but with the weather being what it is, my heart is just not into diary-ing right now. I'll be back later. Oh yeah, soundtrack to this entry: "Thank You Friends" by Big Star.

square - hip