January 26th. 01

Well, here I am. A new era. Ever since I can remember, I've always kept a journal or diary. I have book after book after book hand-written in my ever-changing but always-sloppy handwriting. Finally I can type, and it takes so much less time.

So much has happened since the last entry in my last hand-written journal. When I left off, I was falling in love with C. I tried to keep writing, but it just got boring talking about how darn happy I was. I was blinded by happiness, and that was good. I think you *should* have times in your life when you don't feel the need to write anything. You don't need to analyze everything. But winter brings a kind of introspection that just about holds me prisoner. I don't really have anyone else I feel I can truly tell every single thing to. I can't tell C. everything, but I can tell him *almost* everything...I have no close, close, close female friend in this town, so I got a diary on the internet. Not so bad really...

Well...where to begin??

I think the first order of business is to catch up. I married C. We got married. I think it is the best decision I ever made. He is the kindest, gentlest, most sensitive guy I have ever been with. We have a similar sense of humor, which helps immensely. C. would never hurt a fly. That said, I have to mention that there was a long time in there where I thought I didn't *really* love him, or at least I was not "in love" with him in the passionate way that (ew I hate this word) "newlyweds" are supposed to feel about each other. I really had some creepy moments where I thought I might have made a mistake. Lately though, I think that my fears were unfounded. I think we're doing okay. We're doing great, actually.

Lately, my health has been weird. I feel as if I can never get enough sleep. I need to get a physical, but I just haven't gotten around to it. Hmmm...maybe it's seasonal.

Another job change is coming. It will soon be time to say goodbye to my "dream job" at the record label. Sad to go, but I must. I can NOT imagine how my position would have just disintegrated into nothing within the next year or so. And E.--he would have been the death of me. Once again, a perfectly good job ruined by some dick who just wants to play favorites and act out his super-childish bullshit. First Calv., now E. Oh well. That job has so many little crappy problems--the computer system right out of the '80's (amber screens, for god's sake!!!!); the printer that only printed sometimes, with no rhyme or reason; the one-sheets with their samey descriptions; the neglect of our so-called owner... Well, but there were a lot of cool things too--free pizza, free CDs, cool people to work with (minus E., of course), and we didn't have to dress up. Aw, who knows if this job change is going to be good or not, but what I do know is that I need a change.

Okay, enough. There will be time to write more later.

square - hip