
It might have been because we forgot to feed her until much later, or it might have been because B. was watching a DVD in our room while we were gone, or it might have been the changes we've made in our bedroom since we put in the window air conditioner...but I think it was really about the dog.

That's right, our cat Ozma peed on my bed pillow last night. No, not while I was sleeping on it. She did her naughty deed sometime before we got home from P. and E.'s house. The whole pillow was still nice 'n' wet when we got home, and just so there was no mistaking it for someone else's pee, she made sure to get a few dirty kitty footprints in there too.

I think it was the dog we allowed into the house. I really didn't think it would bother her so much! Silly me. But S. had her dog with her, and he's such a good boy, that I couldn't say no. Ozma was having none of it.

Now there's the whole business of washing sheets and pillow and pillowcase. Yes, it went allll the way through the pillow to the sheets below.

That little...!

Oh well. I guess it was really my own fault. I still love her. Bah! Cats!

square - hip