
Okay, I went to the doctor. She looked and poked, and said, "Come back in four weeks." The whole visit took about ten minutes. Doctor was in a big hurry.

So, is that good news? I guess it might be, since if I was about to die you would think she'd tell me right away.

Did I mention that she was very, very, very pregnant? I really hate to admit it, but I felt a twinge of jealousy. She kept saying things like, "When you come back, if you still feel pain, we'll do some more tests...well, I won't be here, but someone will." This is the first time I've met this doctor, and here she is running off already. The whole visit left me feeling a bit disoriented and a little sad. I really felt like I was rushed.

By the way, the morning after I wrote my entry about all of this, I checked my guestbook. It was full of wonderful, sweet, helpful, and encouraging words from a bunch of you. Reading everyone's kind words brought a tear to my eye. The fact that you (you know who you are) would take the time to be so kind...words can't express how much it means to me. Thank you so much.

In other news, I spent part of my day trying to obtain a statue of Ganesha, the elephant-headed Hindu god. It's for a house-blessing ceremony that my friend S. is helping me with. C. and I (while not the most spiritual people) both liked the idea of starting life in our new home with a little ceremony to get things off on the right foot. Ganesha is the god of successful beginnings and the god of removing why the hell have I had such a hard time just getting my hands on one of his likenesses?? I went to the Indian part of town, no luck. I looked around on the interslice, no luck. Finally, I tried Ebay. Of course there were a few for sale, but the only way I could buy one and have it in time for moving day would be to use PayPal. Oy vey! PayPal--the scourge of my existence! Ever since I lost my password, I've been banished from using PayPal, like some kind of criminal! So after encountering all of these obstacles just to get the statue of the god who is supposed to remove obstacles, I'm starting to wonder if Ganesha is trying to tell me something.

Or possibly, I should just do something else.

More and more, I'm liking the "something else" option.

square - hip