
It's the last day of the year. I haven't thought that much about it 'til now. Hmmm...

This past year has been full of trials. Many wake-up calls served to knock me out of my contented haze. I have always known that nothing lasts forever, but this year brought that fact into sharp focus--the death of a good friend made me realize that I must remember to love people now, for you never know when they'll be taken from you. That was always a cliche before, but now I truly know the meaning.

Many of the trials that I shared with my close friends taught me what it is to be a real friend--that you must provide support and love in the hard times, and that it's not all just fun and laughs. It's important to be there to give hugs and shoulders to cry on, as well as lifting a glass and cracking a joke. These things seem like a given, but I've never known what true friendship was until this past year.

This year has had many sweet and wonderful moments too. I am still so in love with C. And we will spend many happy years in our new home.

I look forward to the new year. Here's to a happier, easier time. Here's to learning and being and having and experiencing all of the good things the coming year has to offer.

square - hip