
Sorry to keep you all in suspense!

Yesterday's ultrasound went really well. The technician squirted that slippery stuff on my belly and moved the thingy all over it. At first, I couldn't tell what it was we were seeing, it was just a lot of abstract gray pictures. I thought for awhile I was seeing the baby's head, but I couldn't be sure. It didn't look right, and I was a little scared that maybe the baby's head was not looking too good. Finally, I got up my courage and asked, "Is that the baby's head?" She said yes, that actually we were looking inside it, at its brain. (*Whew!*) Hell, I didn't even know you could see the kid's brain with one of those things, but I guess it makes sense.

After awhile, the tech started zeroing in on some more recognizable parts. A hand, legs, a foot. I held C.'s hand as we stared at the little screen, taking in everything, not wanting to miss anything.

"Did you want to know the sex of the baby?" the tech asked us. Oh, yes please. After a few moments of searching, she said without hesitation:

"It's a boy!"

A boy. I'm carrying a little baby boy inside me. Even though so far I'd been telling C. I would rather have a girl, I didn't even care when I found out we are having a boy. I love him already, just because he's ours. Mine. His. Part of both of us. How could I not?

Suddenly, she zoomed out, and right there on the screen, was a full picture of our son. He was in profile, one hand above his head, as if waving. He made a grabbing motion with his hand, and I was just enthralled. He was moving, right there on the screen. Tears came to my eyes. I looked up at C. He was grinning, squeezing my hand. In spite of the blurry gray screen, he was so beautiful to look at. I could not believe that was a moving picture of the little being I'm carrying. A real baby! It was so mind-boggling. I never thought I'd feel so overwhelmed.

The technician continued with her noodling around for awhile longer, checking the heart and stomach. By now the suspense was too much. I had to know.

"So...does he look okay? Does everything seem normal?" She smiled and said I had nothing to worry about, he is just fine. No signs of Down's, everything functioning perfectly.

What a huge, huge relief.

And that's the story!

Y'know, in the past I have always thought, in the back of my mind, that the whole parental pride thing was a little weird. So it's a kid, what's the big deal? What's so great about a blurry ultrasound photo? But now I know. It's completely and totally different when it's yours.

We couldn't be happier.

square - hip