
Wow. One month from this very day, I will have been married to C. for one year. Our one year anniversary. Wow.

I think we are both in agreement that the only place we can truly be happy and celebrate our anniversary is in a lovely cabin in some woods by a lake.

And for God's sake, NO OTHER PEOPLE.

I have the perfect vision: A cozy little cabin in amongst trees covered in blazingly beautiful Fall leaves. C. is sitting on the dock, fishing. I'm walking down the path to the water with my own fishing pole and a basket containing our lunch. We're wearing sweaters. It's completely quiet but for the sound of my feet on the boards of the dock, a few birds, and the soughing of the Fall leaves.

And for God's sake, NO OTHER PEOPLE.

I watched the movie "Pollock" recently. Man, I really liked it. I didn't know much about Jackson Pollock before, but he had kind of an interesting life. Well, maybe I should say his wife had an interesting life, looking after Jackson and watching him drink and paint. The part I loved the most was when they moved to the country. It looked so damn idyllic--tons of empty space to move around in, fresh(er) air, the dog, the barn, nothing to do but paint...Ahh...

Now don't get me wrong--I love the city. I know that eventually I would go crazy in the country. It's just that the city wears you down. One needs an occasional break, or one will go berserk, yes?

I am feeling a very super-strong urge to be artistically creative. Seems like everywhere I look I see something that sparks an idea for a project. It's exciting but frustrating, since I have no idea when I'll have time to do anything about any of them.


Hey, what am I doing on the computer?? I'm gonna go be creative now.

square - hip