
I'm taking this time while B., A., and C. are all out at the costume shop (don't ask) to write in my diary. I told them I was going to make soup, so I don't have too long to write...

Taking on the suburbs with F. was okay, mostly because we were blatantly slacking off. It was nice because I'd been working my azz off all week with the two overacheiver guys. I think F. knows he slacks way too much, but he just can't help it. I like F. so much more than those other guys. We have fun. It's like hanging out and driving aimlessly around with a friend when we get to work together. Sometimes we get so slaphappy we just start cracking each other up about the stupidest things. I don't get that with the others. They need to lighten up.

Why is my left contact lens going all blurry on me?? It's so annoying to wear contacts when all I wanna do is go put on my glasses. But they're still broken, and the new ones aren't here yet. Grr.

Damn, it sure is hot today!

We went to a great art opening last night. The art was so good, I wanted to buy something. C. did too. We decided to sleep on it (on a bed, not the art, silly), but in the end we didn't buy anything. We are saving for a house, and that is our highest priority.

The art opening was a A. & L.'s gallery. L. was talking about baby names. They found out the other day that they are having a boy. L. showed me her list of names, and sure enough, Elliot was on there. That's the name I've always wanted, and I have told everyone that, including her. I didn't say anything about it, but I got that funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. Did she forget? Or does she just not care? And I felt a little silly for worrying about it, since, (A.) I'm not even pregnant yet, and (B.) Who knows if I'll have a boy? Hell, right now she is thinking of this silly girly-boy European name that sounds like "Flower", so she'll probably pick something like that. What a funny girl.

Okay. Gotta go cook now.

square - hip