
I take my insight wherever I can find it. Tonight, it came from here, strangely enough.

An interview with Jeff Magnum, of the band Neutral Milk Hotel. The part where he talks about a dream he had:

"Jeff: Yes, I pretty much understood it right away. I didn't have to analyze it afterwards. The butterfly and the spider represented two opposing sides: all the things that I love and consider to be beautiful and gentle and wonderful, and all the things that threaten me... the things about life that I can't come to terms with because they don't fit into my nice, happy picture of the way I want the world to be. It kept morphing back and forth to show me that they're both one and the same; they're dependent on one another to exist. When I tried to grasp at either what I love or what I hate, I destroyed the very ability of being able to really penetrate the essence of either. By trying to understand it, I would just crush it. But when I let go and let it be what it was, it would turn into light to show me that both sides come from the same source. I think the vision was trying to tell me to just live and be joyful and stop creating these internal wars over all the pain that is within myself and that I see all around me. That's how I interpret it."

Pretty cool, huh?

This part just stood out to me, like it was marked with a yellow highlighter and blinking red arrows. Bam.

square - hip