
I'm 27 weeks pregnant today, which I guess means I'm about to enter my third trimester! Wow. I'm creeping closer every day to the date that seemed like it would never come...

For some reason, in the last week or two, I have started to be able to visualize what the baby must look like in there. All this time I've been looking at books and illustrations of what he should look like at various stages, but I could never seem to wrap my mind around it. Now, I can visualize this baby--fully formed but still really small--squirming around in there! It makes the whole thing seem so much more real than it has so far. He's so active too. The little guy spends more of his time wiggling and kicking than sleeping, seems like. C. keeps saying (talking to my belly), "You can be active in there, but once you come out, that's it." I just smile. I think C. is in for a rude awakening, quite literally.

Yesterday was our baby shower. Or I guess it was my baby shower. It was really nice. Possibly, that shower was the nicest thing any friends have ever done for me. It was like something out of Martha Stewart, but only in a good way. They set it up in E.'s backyard. The perimeters of the party area were marked by clothesline, upon which tiny baby clothes of all kinds were hanging (Gifts! What a cool idea!). Many of them were plain onesies (those little one-piece baby suit thingies), and the guests were encouraged to decorate them with funny pictures and stuff. It was great--we got several onesies each with the words, "I Love Poop" written in a different language on the front. R. brought flowers from her garden and placed them all around. There was a ton of amazing food! Homemade quiche, salad, fruit, sandwiches, and my favorite--chocolate pecan pie. Mmmmm.

We got lots of nice gifts, only a few of them actually useful, but all of them very, very cool. Our friends have great taste, it's just that basically none of them have kids. Ah well.

There is so much more to tell, but this entry would be so long if I went into any more detail. Suffice it to say, C. and I had so much fun we were actually exhausted when it was over. And for once, I allowed myself to be pampered and waited on and fawned over. I tell you, it was lovely.

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